The 30/04/43 edition of the local newspaper has an article
on him - that he had taken
part in bombing raids over both Germany and Italy, notably
Creusot and Milan.
His aircraft was the
first over Creusot Works and the B.B.C.asked him to broadcast
his experiences as
Captain of a Lancaster bomber in action in a latter raid which was
a day light bombing of Italy .
Front raw left S/Ldr Wyness,here as F/lt earlier days
617 Sqn's Bombing Raid on the Kemb's Dam -
7th October 1944
They took off at 13.10 hours from RAF Woodhall Spa in a
Lancaster Mk I No. NG180 KC-S
to bomb Kembs Dam.
Nearing the IP ( aiming point ) at 600 feet,they were hit by AA light
Flak from the east and west side of the Rhine river mainly
by Heimat Flak Batterie manned
by college boys of Luftwaffe Heimat Batterie Flak Helfer 35/VII (on Alsace west bank )
and 37/VII (Weil Am Rhein- Maerkt east bank ).
LwH Heimat Flack 35/VII Alsace recruits West Bank of the river 1944
While repeatedly hit prior and after reaching the Kembs barrage
by AA light flack from
east side of the barrage by Heimat Flak Batterie 37/VII got
fire on its port engines
which had to be feathered out of action,they managed to drop the Tallboy flying further NE
and NNW before forced to ditch on the Rhine river in
between the Franco-German
near town of Rhineweiler, Baden Wuertenberg,Germany . Some sources
claiming they hit a power cable before ditching into the Rhine.
Reconstruction Sq/Ldr Wyness Lancaster flying northbound
Reconstruction Sq/Ldr Wyness Lancaster near Rhineweiler
Reconstruction: Lancaster KC-S ditch landing on Rhine Oct 7, 1944
It's presumed that the aircraft hit the water at minimum speed
while on fire thus allowing
the crew to inflate and board the life raft . Research of
the French archives in Colmar and
Freiburg i.B archives have reviled that all seven crew
members were seen boarding the
dinghy ,however soon thereafter two crew members presumed
Horrocks and Hurdiss
were seen jumping the dinghy and reached the French Alsace
bank of Rhine , the third
crew member presumably F/O Cansell while observing German
soldiers preparing a boat
on the other side of the river also jumped out and reached
the Alsace bank of the river.
Whermacht Pioniere Rheinweiler Sept.1944

Reconstruction : The rescue
Reconstruction : the capture (painting Elena P)
Reconstruction : the capture of 4 crews
The remaining four crew members were order with warning
shots by the approaching
German boat manned by German pioneer units which were
stationed at Istein and
Rheinweiler to paddle to the German side of the river. The four airmen wearing wet
coveralls surrounded by local
residents were brought bythe soldiers to the town hall
of Rheinweiler. An eye whiteness
describes later on that awoman asked the soldiers
to give the crew some dry clothes to
which they shouted at her and threatened her.
In due course of the events of the
captured British airmen the mayor of Bad Belligen
called by phone the Nazi Kreisleiter of Loerrach Hugo Gruenner and Gestapo
Loerrach informing them about the British prisoners .
Reconstruction : Murder at the Rhein river (Elena P)
WWII RAF Flyers boots which I both 18 years ago from a Bellingen seller may be subject related
Navigator F/Lt Ronald H.Williams (reconstruction)
Within a short time after rushing by car from city of
Loerrach to Rhineweiler ,Hugo Gruenner
accompanied by the Gestapo agent Meissner arrived to Rheinweiler .
While captured by French
soldiers in Loerrach in 1945 Hugo Gruenner describing the event at the
Strasbourg War Crimes
Tribunal as following :
October maybe November 1944 I was making a routine inspection near Loerrach
an air
raid in order to assess damages .Upon arriving to Rheinweiler I noticed a large
crowd of
gather near the town hall and I was explained by the mayor that four American
airmen were captured by Whermacht soldiers in the Rhein river.Indeed I was able
determine that four airmen in wet khaki flying suits were held in the office of
the mayor.
I did not
pay attention to their ranks or type of uniforms , they were of average height
nothing on their heads.
Since I don't speak English I did not address them any question.
I don't know if someone around spoke English though I don't remember interrogating
Since the German Army and the Mayor refused to take the POW's in
custody I gave the mayor
the order phone and ask for four Jandarmen from Schliegen
to be dispatched a.s.a.p.
40 minutes later three Gendarmes have arrived
and I have
explained them that I have been ordered
by Gauleiter von Baden und Alsace Wagner to
execute Allied POW's to which I was replied by the
Gendarme that this was the
single available option. The
Policemen recommended me to execute them
on the river bank because this was only 2.5
Km from the town hall of Rheinweiler .I have taken the
Gendarmes and POW's to the
Rhine river bank where I have executed one by one from the back with my
rifle while on left side of every POW one Gendarme was standing .
On a later testimony
at the War Crimes Tribunal in Strasbourg , Gruenner revised his earlier
citing Gestapo agent Erich Meissner from Loerrach as the one who shot the POW's
upon his
orders . After
execution the four corpses were dragged away and thrown on Rhine river.
I admit however
that it was me who gave the execution order . A day later I tried to reach
by phone
Gauleiter Wagner in Strasbourg to inform him about the execution though
inability to reach him I informed his secretary Adolf Schuppel that it was my
to obey Wagner orders and execute Allied POW's . "
Sq/Ldr Wyness and F/O Bruce Hosie corpses were recovered a
few days later on the
French Rhine bank by either French Vichy or German troops
near city of Chalampe,
Alsace some 15 Km north of murder place then buried on post
war era at Choloy Cemetery
France. The corpses of Fl/Lt Williams and F/O W.Honig were
recovered further north on
the Rhine river two weeks later and buried later on in
Dürnbach Cemetery, Germany
which leads me to conclude that Wyness and Hosie were shot
first then followed by the
remaining two.
Reconstruction : Hugo Gruenner & Erich Meissner the murderers
As no details available on the fate of the other three crew
members who swam to the
French bank of the river, it's presumed that they were
executed by the Gestapo agent
Erich Meissner from Gestapo Loerrach who at that time was
active in Alsace upon
alarmed by Gruenner after their escape and possibly after
their capture they were executed
as spies and cremated at Natzweiler Struthof SS
Concentration camp near Strassbourg.
In a memo dated May 1944 Hitler's secretary M.Bormann
recommended all party members
no participation on lynching of Allied airmen something
which Gauleiter Wagner and
Kreisleiter Gruenner were fully aware of .
+ Bruce Hosie R/O Operator RNZAF
Letters from front from Nav F/Lt Ronald Henry Williams
S/Ldr Drue Rothwell Cullen Wyness, aged :24 ,buried Choloy, France
This what
Tony Iveson who participated on the Kembs Raid wrote about
Sqd Ldr
Wyness :
"Every October I find myself remembering a
particular operation 617 Sqd
flew in 1944 one of which was the Kembs Barrage
Raid near Basel Switzerland.
Three weeks after returning from a base in
northern Russia from which the
first attack on German ship "Tirpitz "
was launched , we were given the task
in destroying the Kembs Maerkt Barrage which
controlled the waters of the
Rhine few miles north of the Swiss frontier at
Basel .
The request to RAF came through the US High
Command as the US troops
who landed in Southern France were fighting their
way through "Belfort"
gap towards the Rhine, which barred their advances
into Germany. As the
US troops approached the river it was feared the
Germans would blow
the floodgates releasing a massive tide against
them .One way to prevent
this was to smash the barrage first and let the floods
disperse before the
Only a heavy charge ,deep in the water right against the sluice gates
would burst them and the only weapon for the task
was a 5-ton Tallboy .
Very accurate bombing was required so it would
have to be a low level
attack in daylight .The raid was planned for late
afternoon on Saturday
7th October so at least the return flight would be
in darkness.
Sqd Ldr Drew Wyness DFC and I dined with Colonel
Chris Melville from
King Scotts Borderers who recently arrived at
Lincolnshire to replace the
airborne troops who had flown to Arnheim. After
the meal the Colonel
packed me an Drew in his Jeep and drove us to our crew
barracks on
Woodhall Spa airfield picking up our kits on the
way. "Have a good trip
Drew " I said as we promised Chris Melville
we would meet him for dinner
on that evening at the Spa hotel.
Drew had completed a tour with a 5 Group main task
squadron before
joining 617 Squadron in September 1944. He had an
unlucky start having
to make a crash landing 5 Km West of intended airfield at Kegostrov Russia
while skidding on landing on Sept 11/12 1944 on a transit flight to Yagodnik,
Archangelsk region which they never made due to bad weather and fuel shortage
on the first operation against the
"Tirpitz". He flew on that
raid with me and returned
to UK with half its crew on my
aircraft . The rest were killed in an other aircraft which
crashed in Norway
on the return flight.
Wyness Lancaster at Kegostrov, Russia
Perhaps his luck was about to run out ! At Kembs in the afternoon
Wing Cdr Tate led 6 Lancasters at 500 feet above
the Rhine river straight
for the Kembs Barrage. It was heavily defended and
the flak guns firing
almost level from high river banks - had clear
Wyness aircraft was repeatedly hit and was on fire
before reaching the release
point. He dropped his "Tallboy" before
being forced to ditch on Rhine river.The
aircraft came to rest in low water and three of
its crew tried to swim to French side .
They were never seen again. The remaining four inflated the dinghy from
wing and paddled franticaly towards Swiss bank ( Tony may have made an error
because the Swiss bank was about 18 Km or more from Rhineweiler
) but
they were intercepted by a German patrol boat and
taken POW.
Wyness Lancaster crash reconstruction
They were put into two cars and driven to the
village of Rheinweiler .From there
after interrogation were taken back to the
riverbank and shot and thrown into
the Rhine river .Drew was recovered some 50 Km
downriver and now rests in a
Canadian Cemetery near Toul in France ( also here
Tony makes a mistake,Drew's
body was recovered about 14 Km north near Chalampe,France ) near him rests
Bruce Hosie R/O from NZ . I visited their graves last
year .
Burial site of an other RAF crew murdered near Pforzheim in 1944
S/Ldr Wyness grave Choloy France
F/S Horrocks grave Duerenbach,Germany
Kreisleiter of Loerrach and Muelheim H.Gruenner
was arrested in 1945 by French
troops and indicted for the murders .He was tried
and sentenced to death by the
tribunal then handed over to the Americans .He
escaped in 1947 and was never
recovered. ( Also here Tony has an error , he was
tried by the French appealed
and his appeal was accepted and freed ) then
arrested by British Authorities
again and put on trial .Shortly before the trial in Recklinghousen in
1946 or 1947 he
managed to escape with help from inside (presumed ODESSA organization ) changed
name and
fled to Argentina where he died in 1971 .Various sources stating that he visted
numerous times Bad Bellingen in the post war era before his presumed death .
War Criminal , Gruenner Hugo
Having seen Wyness's flaming Lancaster go down I
returned certain that he was
killed when I told Melville that evening .That big
though soldier had tears running
down his cheeks . It was many years later -over 50- in fact before I learned about
Drew's death . I wonder if he had some premonition
that he would not survive the
war for he was full of restless of energy and
never wasted a minute. But to die in
that way after being shot down attacking a
legitimate military target is a crime I
shall never forget . "
Historian Herbert Gilgin from Bad Bellingen believes that he located the place where the
four RAF aircrews were murdered by Hugo Gruenner and Gestapo agent Erich Meissner.
Estimated crash site at Rheinweiler photos Sept. 2018
Wyness and Hosie bodies recovery at Chalampe France
Wyness and Hosie bodies recovery at Chalampe France
Emergency 8-Man Life Raft Lancaster
This is probably S/Ldr Wyness replacement Lancaster at Woodhall Spa on early October,1944
Maerkt Stauwehr (Kembs Barrage ) as of Oct 7,2018
References : RAF Archives, H.Giblin,Badische Zeitung, Landes Archives Baden-Wuerttenberg
You are still using a photo without reasonable reason and without proper license. It is this one :
ReplyDeleteIt shows Sgt Harry Mawson RAF, who was killed on 13 Dec 1944 in Essen and who has nothing whatever to do with the raid on the Kembs dam.